Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# pmatic - Python API for Homematic. Easy to use.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Lars Michelsen <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Realizes an event listener to receive events from the CCU XML-RPC API"""

# Relevant docs:
# -

# Add Python 3.x behaviour to 2.7
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

    # Is recommended for Python 3.x but fails on 2.7, but is not mandatory
    from builtins import object # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
except ImportError:

import time
import socket
import threading

    # Python 2
    from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    # Python 3+
    from urllib.parse import urlparse

    # Python 2
    from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer, SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
except ImportError:
    # Python 3+
    from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer, SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler

import pmatic.api
import pmatic.utils as utils
from pmatic.exceptions import PMException, PMConnectionError

class EventXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer, threading.Thread):
    """Implements SimpleXMLRPCServer executed in a separate thread"""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.daemon = True

        # Register system.listMethods, system.methodHelp and system.methodSignature
        # Allow multicalls

    def system_listMethods(self, interface_id): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
        """Wrap the standard system_listMethods of SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher. This is needed
        because the CCU sends an argument (the interface_id) which is not handled by the
        default system_listMethods() method."""
        return super(EventXMLRPCServer, self).system_listMethods()

    def run(self):
        """Starts listening for requests in the thread."""

    def stop(self):
        """Tells the SimpleXMLRPCServer to stop serving."""

class EventXMLRPCRequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, utils.LogMixin):
    """HTTP request handler for the XML-RPC API requests."""
    def log_message(self, format_str, *args):
        """Logger messages for the web server logs."""
        self.logger.debug("%s - - [%s] %s\n", self.address_string(),

[docs]class EventListener(utils.LogMixin, utils.CallbackMixin): """Manages events received from the CCU XML-RPC API. This class can tell the CCU to send status update events to pmatic using it's XML-RPC API. The EventListener registers with the CCU to get status updates. The CCU then synchronizes the known objects with pmatic and starts sending status updates. These status updates are then received by this class and handed over to the :class:`pmatic.entities.Device` objects managed by the central :class:`CCU` object to update their current state information. The first argument *ccu* must be the :class:`CCU` instance to be associated with this object. The optional argument *listen_address* can be set to exactly tell the CCU to which host address and TCP port to send it's XML-RPC calls. This defaults to the host address of your local system and TCP port ``9123``. You are free to set another port of your choice by specifying it as tuple of two elements like e.g. ``("", 1337)``. The first element needs to contain the host address of the system pmatic is running on and is normally automatically gathered. But you can also set a fixed address if you like. The second optional argument *interface_id* is an identifier which needs to be unique on your local system at any time. As far as I can tell this is only relevant when you plan to register multiple :class:`EventListener` objects at the same time, on the same system and the same network port. If you start multiple listeners within the same proccess the identifier is automatically made unique and don't need to be set. """ _ident = 0 @classmethod def _next_id(cls): """Each event listener gets a unique ID which is used to register with the CCU.""" this_id = cls._ident cls._ident += 1 return this_id def __init__(self, ccu, listen_address=None, interface_id=None): super(EventListener, self).__init__() self._ccu = ccu self._server = None self._initialized = False self._init_callbacks(["value_updated", "value_changed"]) self._init_listen_address(listen_address) self._init_interface_id(interface_id) def _init_listen_address(self, listen_address): """Parses the listen_address provided by the user.""" if listen_address is None: # listen on all interfaces. Use port 9123 by default. self._listen_address = ('', 9123) elif isinstance(listen_address, tuple) and len(listen_address) == 2: self._listen_address = listen_address else: raise PMException("listen_address needs to be a tuple of two " "elements (address, port): %r" % (listen_address, )) def _init_interface_id(self, interface_id): """Initializes the interface ID of this object.""" if interface_id is not None: if utils.is_string(interface_id): self._interface_id = interface_id else: raise PMException("interface_id has to be of type string") else: self._interface_id = "pmatic-%d" % EventListener._next_id() @property def rpc_server_url(self): """Contains the URL the RPC server of this EventListener is listening on. This URL is the URL sent to the CCU by :meth:`.init`.""" address = self._listen_address if address[0] == "": # This EventListener is configured to listen on all interfaces. That # makes things flexible. But the drawback is that we don't know which # URL we should tell the CCU to send it's events to. Find out! address = (self._find_listen_address_to_reach_ccu(), address[1]) return "http://%s:%d" % address
[docs] def init(self): """Initializes this objects RPC server and registers with the CCU. This method opens the XML-RPC server on the configured *listen_address* and sends an API call to the CCU to register the just started XML-RPC server. The CCU is then sending XLM-RPC messages to this server. """ try: self._start_rpc_server() self._register_with_ccu() self._initialized = True except: self.close() raise
@property def initialized(self): """Is set to true when the XML-RPC have been started and registered with the CCU.""" return self._initialized def _start_rpc_server(self): """Starts listening for incoming XML-RPC messages from CCU.""" self.logger.debug("Start listening for events on %s TCP %s" % (self._listen_address[0] or "*", self._listen_address[1])) self._server = EventXMLRPCServer(self._listen_address, requestHandler=EventXMLRPCRequestHandler) self._server.register_instance(EventHandler(self._ccu, self)) self._server.start() def _register_with_ccu(self): """Registers the RPC server of this EventListener object with the CCU. After executing this method the CCU will contact the RPC server of this EventListener and send events to the server. """ result = self._ccu.api.interface_init(interface="BidCos-RF", url=self.rpc_server_url, interfaceId=self._interface_id) if not result: raise PMConnectionError("Failed to register with the XML-RPC API of the CCU.") elif result == True: self.logger.debug("Successfully registered event listener with CCU") def _find_listen_address_to_reach_ccu(self): """Determines the host address to tell the CCU to send it's messages to. When the listen_address is either not set or set to an empty string this makes the XML-RPC server listen on all local interfaces / addresses. But the drawback is that we don't know which URL we should tell the CCU to send it's events to. This method determines the address to tell the CCU. When the script is executed on the CCU it returns "". Otherwise it creats a socket and opens a connection to the CCU address (which is used by self._ccu.api) and port 80. Then it knows which local IP address has been used to communicate with the CCU. This address is then returned. """ if isinstance(self._ccu.api, pmatic.api.LocalAPI): return "" ccu_address = urlparse(self._ccu.api.address).hostname s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(1) # wait for 1 second for the connect. try: s.connect((ccu_address, 80)) address = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() return address except socket.error as e: raise PMException("Unable to detect the address to listen on for XML-RPC " "messages from the CCU (%s). You might fix this by explicitly " "providing the parameter listen_address=([ADDRESS], [PORT]) " "to" % e)
[docs] def close(self): """Stops listening for XML-RPC messages and terminates the local XML-RPC server.""" if self._server:"Stop listening for events") self._server.stop() self._server.join() self._server = None self._initialized = False
def __del__(self): """When object is removed, the close() method is called.""" self.close()
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None): """Waits for the event listener to terminate. This is useful to let your code stay idle (for some time) and just wait for incoming events from the CCU. When a timeout is configured this method returns when the listener terminates (for some reason) or the timeout happens. This method returns ``True`` when the timeout happened and the listener is still alive or ``False`` when the listener has been terminated. """ try: while self._server.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.1) if timeout is not None: timeout -= 0.1 if timeout <= 0: break except KeyboardInterrupt: self._server.stop() self._server.join() return self._server.is_alive()
[docs] def on_value_changed(self, func): """Register a function to be called each time any value of a device is changed.""" self.register_callback("value_changed", func)
[docs] def on_value_updated(self, func): """Register a function to be called each time a value of any device is updated.""" self.register_callback("value_updated", func)
[docs] def callback(self, cb_name, *args, **kwargs): """Execute all registered callbacks for this event.""" self._callback(cb_name, *args, **kwargs)
class EventHandler(utils.LogMixin, object): """Handles incoming XML-RPC calls.""" def __init__(self, ccu, listener): self._ccu = ccu self.listener = listener super(EventHandler, self).__init__() def _dispatch(self, method, params): """Central entry point for all calls. It does not let exceptions through to the caller. The exceptions are all catched and logged. """ try: func = getattr(self, method) except AttributeError: raise PMException("Requested method %r is not implemented." % method) try: return func(*params) except Exception: self.logger.error("Exception in XML-RPC call %s%r:", method, tuple(params), exc_info=True) return False # Mit dieser Methode teilt der Schnittstellenprozess der Logikschicht mit, dass sich ein # Wert geändert hat oder ein Event (z.B. Tastendruck) empfangen wurde. # Der Parameter interface_id gibt die id des Schnittstellenprozesses an, der das # Event sendet. # Der Parameter address ist die Addresse des logischen Gerätes, zu dem der # geänderte Wert / das Event gehört. # Der Parameter value_key ist der Name des entsprechenden Wertes. Die möglichen # Werte für value_key ergeben sich aus der ParamsetDescription des entsprechenden # Parameter-Sets „VALUES“. # Der Parameter value gibt den neuen Wert bzw. den dem Event zugeordneten Wert an. # Der Datentyp von value ergibt sich aus der ParamsetDescription des # Values-Parameter-Sets des entsprechenden logischen Gerätes. def event(self, interface_id, address, value_key, value): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """Receives an event from the CCU and applies the update.""" self.logger.debug("[EVENT] %s %s = %r", address, value_key, value) try: obj = self._ccu.devices.get_device_or_channel_by_address(address) except KeyError:"[EVENT] %s Ignoring event for unknown device" % address) return True param = obj.values[value_key] value_changed = param.set_from_api(value) self.listener.callback("value_updated", param) if value_changed: self.listener.callback("value_changed", param) return True # Diese Methode gibt alle der Logikschicht bekannten Geräte für den Schnittstellen-Prozess # mit der Id interface_id in Form von Gerätebeschreibungen zurück. Damit kann der # Schnittstellenprozess durch Aufruf von new Devices() und deleteDevices() einen Abgleich # vornehmen. Damit das funktioniert, muss sich die Logikschicht diese Informationen # zumindest teilweise merken. Es ist dabei ausreichend, wenn je weils die Member ADDRESS # und VERSION einer DeviceDescription gesetzt sind. def listDevices(self, interface_id): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """The CCU asks for all already known devices. Send back the address and description version.""" devices = [] # Don't fetch new new devices here. Use the already known ones. The CCU will inform # us about the ones we don't know yet. for device in self._ccu.devices.already_initialized_devices.values(): devices.append({"ADDRESS": device.address, "VERSION": device.version}) for channel in device.channels: devices.append({"ADDRESS": channel.address, "VERSION": channel.version}) return devices # Mit dieser Methode wird der Logikschicht mitgeteilt, dass neue Geräte gefunden # wurden. # Der Parameter interface_id gibt die id des Schnittstellenprozesses an, zu dem das Gerät # gehört. # Der Parameter dev_descriptions ist ein Array, das die Beschreibungen der neuen Geräte enthält. # Wenn dev_descriptions Geräte enthält, die der Logikschicht bereits beka nnt sind, # dann ist davon auszugehen, dass sich z.B. durch ein Firmwareupdate das Verhalten # des Gerätes geändert hat. Die Basisplatform muß dann einen Abgleich mit der neuen # Beschreibung durchführen. Dabei sollte die Konfiguration des Gerätes innerhalb der # Logikschicht so weit wie möglich erhalten bleiben. def newDevices(self, interface_id, dev_descriptions): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """The CCU informs about new devices. Creates objects known for them.""" self.logger.debug("[NEW DEVICES] Got %d new devices/channels", len(dev_descriptions)) # Perform the following steps to make the data equal to the ccu.devices._device_specs # dict data structure which is fetched by the JSON API. To make the internal code of # pmatic simpler it is better to normalize this here where it is clear where which kind # of data comes from. # # The goal is to make this data totally equal (TODO Create a test for this): #import pprint #file("/tmp/event-devices.txt", "w").write(pprint.pformat(sorted(devices.items()))) #specs = self._ccu.api.DeviceSpecs(self._ccu.api) #file("/tmp/api-devices.txt", "w").write(pprint.pformat(sorted(specs.items()))) def normalize_spec(d): for key in d.keys(): val = d.pop(key) if isinstance(val, list): for index, item in enumerate(val): val[index] = item.decode("utf-8") elif utils.is_byte_string(val): val = val.decode("utf-8") new_key = key.lower().decode("utf-8") if new_key in [ "aes_active", "roaming" ]: val = val == 1 elif new_key == "updatable": val = "%d" % val elif new_key in [ "link_source_roles", "link_target_roles" ]: val = val.split() elif new_key in [ "rf_address", "rx_mode" ]: continue d[new_key] = val return d devices = {} for spec in dev_descriptions: spec = normalize_spec(spec) if not spec.get("parent"): try: del spec["parent"] except KeyError: pass devices[spec["address"]] = spec else: channels = devices[spec["parent"]].setdefault("channels", []) channels.append(spec) for device_dict in devices.values(): self._ccu.devices.add_from_low_level_dict(device_dict) # As we just received all devices from the CCU mark the devices as initialized # in the CCU object. This saves one Interface.listDevices call when accessing # the "self._ccu.devices.devices" for the first time. self._ccu.devices.initialized = True return True # Mit dieser Methode wird der Logikschicht mitgeteilt, dass Geräte im # Schnittstellenprozess gelöscht wurden. Der Parameter interface_id # gibt die id des Schnittstellenprozesses an, zu dem das Gerät gehört. # Der Parameter addresses ist ein Array, das die Adressen der # gelöschten Geräte enthält. # FIXME: Only handling device addresses. Can we get channels here? def deleteDevices(self, interface_id, addresses): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """A device has been removed from the CCU. Reflect that change.""" self.logger.debug("[DELETE DEVICES] Delete %d devices/channels", len(addresses)) for address in addresses: self._ccu.devices.delete(address) return True # Mit dieser Methode wird der Logikschicht mitgeteilt, dass sich an einem Gerät etwas # geändert hat. Der Parameter interface_id gibt die id des Schnittstellenprozesses an, zu dem # das Gerät gehört. # Der Parameter address ist die Adresse des Gerätes oder des Kanals, auf das sich die # Meldung bezieht. # Der Parameter hint spezifiziert die Änderung genauer: # • UPDATE_HINT_ALL=0 # Es hat eine nicht weiter spezifizierte Änderung stattgefunden und es sollen daher # alle möglichen Änderungen berücksichtigt werden. # • UPDATE_HINT_LINKS=1 # Es hat sich die Anzahl der Verknüpfungspartner geändert. # # Derzeit werden nur Änderungen an den Verknüpfungspa rtnern auf diesem Weg # mitgeteilt. # FIXME: To be implemented. def updateDevices(self, interface_id, address, hint): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """The CCU wants to update the parameters of a device.""" self.logger.debug("[UPDATE DEVICES] Update for device %s (%d)", address, hint) return True