Source code for pmatic.params

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# pmatic - Python API for Homematic. Easy to use.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Lars Michelsen <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

# Relevant docs:
# -
# -

# Add Python 3.x behaviour to 2.7
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import time

import pmatic.entities
from pmatic import utils
from pmatic.exceptions import PMException, PMActionFailed

[docs]class Parameter(utils.CallbackMixin): """Parameters are the objects which are encapusaling the individual values of the channels and devices. The Parameter objects are assigned to channels by their names. Which subtype of the :class:`Parameter` class is used for a particular value is determined by the type specified by the CCU.""" datatype = "string" _transform_attributes = { # mask: 1=Read, 2=Write, 4=Event 'OPERATIONS' : int, 'TAB_ORDER' : int, # mask: 1=visible, 2=internal, 4=transform, 8=service, 10=sticky-service 'FLAGS' : int, } def __init__(self, channel, spec): assert isinstance(channel, pmatic.entities.Channel), \ "channel is not a Channel: %r" % channel assert isinstance(spec, dict), "spec is not a dictionary: %r" % spec super(Parameter, self).__init__() = channel self._init_attributes(spec) self._init_callbacks(["value_updated", "value_changed"]) self._value_updated = None self._value_changed = None self._value = self.default def _init_attributes(self, spec): for key, val in spec.items(): # Optionally convert values using the given transform functions # for the specific object type trans_func = self._transform_attributes.get(key) if trans_func: val = trans_func(val) # Change the CCU internal "name" to internal_name if key.lower() == "name": key = "internal_name" setattr(self, key.lower(), val) def _from_api_value(self, value): """Transforms the value coming from the API to the pmatic internal format.""" return value def _to_api_value(self, value): """Transforms the pmatic internal value to API format.""" return value def _validate(self, value): return True @property def readable(self): """Whether or not this value can be read.""" return self.operations & 1 == 1 @property def writable(self): """Whether or not this value can be set.""" return self.operations & 2 == 2 @property def supports_events(self): """Whether or not this value supports events.""" return self.operations & 4 == 4 @property def name(self): """Provides the formated name of this parameter. This name is generated from the ``name`` attribute provided by the CCU, but slightly adapted to look better for humans in texts. All underscores are replaced with spaces and the name is formated as title. If you want to get the CCU internal name, use the attribute :attr:`internal_name`.""" return self.internal_name.title().replace("_", " ") @property def value(self): """The current value of this paramter. :getter: Provides the current value of this parameter as reported by the CCU. It raises a :class:`PMException` when the parameter can not be read. :setter: Specify the new value. Returns a :class:`PMException` when the parameter can not be written or a validation error occurs. It sets the value on the CCU. In case this fails a :class:`PMActionFailed` exception is raised. """ if not self.readable: raise PMException("The value can not be read.") return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): if not self.writable: raise PMException("The value can not be changed.") self._validate(value) result = interface="BidCos-RF",,, type=self.datatype, value=self._to_api_value(value) ) if not result: raise PMActionFailed("Failed to set the value in CCU.") self._set_value(value)
[docs] def set(self, value): """Set a new value for this parameter. This is equal to setting the property :attr:`value` with the difference that this method returns ``True`` on success and ``False`` when a :class:`PMActionFailed` exception would be raised.""" try: self.value = value return True except PMActionFailed: return False
def set_from_api(self, value): """pmatic internal method to set the parameter value. Users: Don't use this method! This method is used to set the parameter internally when the current value has been fetched from the API or received as event. Setting only the internal value in this object. This method returns *True* when the value has changed compared to the current value and *False* if not.""" return self._set_value(self._from_api_value(value)) def _set_value(self, value): """Internal helper to set the value and trigger dependent things This is the place to trigger all other things which should be executed when a value is set. """ old_value = self._value now = time.time() self._value_updated = now self._value = value if value != old_value: self._value_changed = now self._callback("value_updated") if value != old_value: self._callback("value_changed") return True else: return False
[docs] def set_to_default(self): """Sets the value to the default value (reported by the CCU).""" self.value = self.default
@property def last_updated(self): """Provides the unix time when the value has been updated the last time. This is measured since the creation of the object (startup of pmatic). It raises a :class:`PMException` when the parameter can not be read.""" if not self.readable: raise PMException("The value can not be read.") return self._value_updated @property def last_changed(self): """Provides the unix time when the value has been changed the last time. This is measured since the creation of the object (startup of pmatic). It raises a :class:`PMException` when the parameter can not be read.""" if not self.readable: raise PMException("The value can not be read.") return self._value_changed @property def is_visible_to_user(self): """Whether or not this parameter should be visible to the end-user.""" return self.flags & 1 == 1 @property def is_internal(self): """Whether or not this parameter is an internal flag.""" return self.flags & 2 == 2 @property def is_transformer(self): """Whether or not modifying this parameter changes behaviour of this channel. Can only be changed when no links are configured for this channel.""" return self.flags & 4 == 4 @property def is_service(self): """Whether or not a maintenance message is available.""" return self.flags & 8 == 8 @property def is_service_sticky(self): """Whether or not there is a sticky maintenance message.""" return self.flags & 16 == 16 def _formated(self, value_format="%s"): if not self.readable: return "[NOT READABLE]" if self.unit: if self.unit == "%": return (value_format+"%%") % self.value else: return (value_format+" %s") % (self.value, self.unit) return value_format % self.value
[docs] def formated(self): """Formats the current value in a *human readable* way. Whatever that means.""" return self._formated()
[docs] def __str__(self): """Returns the formated value. Data type differs depending on Python version. In Python 2 it returns an UTF-8 encoded string. In Python 3+ it returns a unicode string of type str. """ if utils.is_py2(): return self.formated().encode("utf-8") else: return self.formated()
[docs] def __bytes__(self): """Returns the formated value UTF-8 encoded. Only relevant for Python 3.""" return self.formated().encode("utf-8")
[docs] def __unicode__(self): """Returns the formated value as unicode string. Only relevant for Python 2.""" return self.formated()
[docs]class ParameterSTRING(Parameter): pass
[docs]class ParameterNUMERIC(Parameter):
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return self.value != other
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): return self.value > other
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): return self.value >= other
[docs] def __le__(self, other): return self.value <= other
[docs]class ParameterINTEGER(ParameterNUMERIC): datatype = "integer" _transform_attributes = dict(Parameter._transform_attributes, DEFAULT=int, MAX=int, MIN=int ) def _from_api_value(self, value): return int(value) def _to_api_value(self, value): return "%d" % value def _validate(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise PMException("Invalid type. You need to provide an integer value.") if value > self.max: raise PMException("Invalid value (Exceeds maximum of %d)" % self.max) if value < self.min: raise PMException("Invalid value (Exceeds minimum of %d)" % self.min) return True
[docs] def formated(self): """Formats the current value with a ``%d`` format and adds a unit if there is a unit reported by the CCU.""" return super(ParameterINTEGER, self)._formated("%d")
[docs]class ParameterFLOAT(ParameterNUMERIC): # type to submit to CCU when setting this value. This has to be string. Strange. datatype = "string" _transform_attributes = dict(Parameter._transform_attributes, DEFAULT=float, MAX=float, MIN=float ) def _from_api_value(self, value): return float(value) def _to_api_value(self, value): """Transforms the float value to an API value.""" return "%0.6f" % value def _validate(self, value): if type(value) not in (float, int): raise PMException("Invalid type. You need to provide a float value.") if value > self.max: raise PMException("Invalid value (Exceeds maximum of %0.2f)" % self.max) if value < self.min: raise PMException("Invalid value (Exceeds minimum of %0.2f)" % self.min) return True def _set_value(self, value): """Setter to update the internal data structures. Allows integer, converts them to float.""" return super(ParameterFLOAT, self)._set_value(float(value))
[docs] def formated(self): """Formats the current value with a ``%0.2f`` format and adds a unit if there is a unit reported by the CCU.""" return super(ParameterFLOAT, self)._formated("%0.2f")
[docs]class ParameterBOOL(Parameter): datatype = "boolean" _transform_attributes = dict(Parameter._transform_attributes, DEFAULT=lambda v: bool(int(v)), MAX=lambda v: bool(int(v)), MIN=lambda v: bool(int(v)), ) def _from_api_value(self, value): """ "1" comes from JSON API and True from XML-RPC. Later one would not need this transform method.""" return value in [ "1", True ] def _to_api_value(self, value): return value and "true" or "false" def _validate(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise PMException("Invalid type. You need to provide a bool value.") return True
[docs]class ParameterACTION(ParameterBOOL): pass
# 'control': u'NONE', 'operations': 5, 'name': u'ERROR', 'min': 0, 'default': 0, 'max': 4, # '_value': 0, 'tab_order': 1, 'value_list': u'NO_ERROR VALVE_DRIVE_BLOCKED # VALVE_DRIVE_LOOSE ADJUSTING_RANGE_TO_SMALL LOWBAT', 'flags': 9, 'unit': u'', # 'type': u'ENUM', 'id': u'ERROR', # 'channel': <pmatic.entities.ChannelClimaVentDrive object at 0x7fb7574b6750>}
[docs]class ParameterENUM(ParameterINTEGER): _transform_attributes = dict(ParameterINTEGER._transform_attributes, VALUE_LIST=lambda v: v.split(" "), ) @property def possible_values(self): """Provides a python list of possible values. The indexes in this list represent the digit to be used as value.""" return self.value_list
[docs] def formated(self): """Returns the textual representation of the current value as also found in the list provided by the :attr:`possible_values` property.""" return self.value_list[self.value]
[docs]class ParameterControlMode(ParameterENUM):
[docs] def formated(self): """Returns the current control mode while it is converting the CCU internal naming scheme to the pmatic ones. It replaces the ``-MODE`` suffix and changes ``MANU`` to ``MANUAL``.""" formated = super(ParameterControlMode, self).formated() formated = formated.replace("-MODE", "").replace("MANU", "MANUAL") return formated